

ActualQL is a new query language introduced in 0.0.129. This allows you to query data any way you like. For example, previously we provided a filterTransactions method that let you search transactions, but its behavior was baked into the backend. You couldn't change how transactions were sorted, search certain fields specifically, or sum the total amount.

ActualQL provides a lightweight syntax for querying data. It looks like this:

'': 'Food',
date: '2021-02-20'
.select(['id', 'date', 'amount'])

The above query would return the id, date, and amount of all transactions with the Food category on 2021-02-20.

Currently the query language is mostly undocumented, but more docs will come soon. Most of Actual uses ActualQL, so you have access to the same functionality that Actual has.

Until we have better docs, here are few things you can do with ActualQL.

Run a query

You construct a query with q and run it with runQuery. The result is an object with a data prop. An example:

let { q, runQuery } = require('@actual-app/api');
let { data } = await runQuery(q('transactions').select('*'));

data will be an array of all the transactions in the system.

Specify split transaction behavior

Split transactions complicate things: when you sum transaction amounts, do you sum up all the subtransactions or do you just use the top-level transaction? When selecting transactions, which ones do you want?

The transactions table provides two different interfaces for transaction data to help with this. You can configure the type of data to return using options and passing a splits option:

.options({ splits: 'inline' })

There are two different options for splits: inline or grouped*. inline is the default, and will not return the "parent" transaction of a split transaction. It will only show you subtransactions of split transaction, and the result is a flat array of transactions. This lets you sum all the amounts of transactions and by default it will ignore the "parent" transaction.

grouped always returns the full split transaction (parent and subtransaction), no matter which part of it matched a filter. The returned data is also grouped so that transactions have a subtransactions property that lists them.

These two options gives you full control over how you want to handle split transactions.

* There is a third option as well, all, which returns both transactions and subtransactions in a flat list. You only need this if doing something advanced.

Search tansactions

Calling filter applies conditions to the query; only data that matches the given filters will be returned.

The keys of a filter object are the names of the fields (see Transaction) and the values are the condition. By default, it will perform an "is equal" but you can also provide various operators. An example:

'': 'Food',
date: { $gte: '2021-01-01' }

The $gte operator on date returns transactions on or after 2021-01-01. Available operators are $eq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, and $like.

If you pass an array to a field, it will combine the conditions with $and:

date: [{ $gte: '2021-01-01' }, { $lte: '2021-12-31' }]

This is the same query but restricts it to transactions between 2021-01-01 and 2021-12-31. This could have been written as:

$and: [
{ date: { $gte: '2021-01-01' } },
{ date: { $lte: '2021-12-31' } }

$and and $or takes an array and combines multiple conditions. For example, you could get transactions on multiple dates like this:

$or: [
{ date: '2021-01-01' },
{ date: '2021-01-02' }

The above will return transactions on 2021-01-01 or 2021-01-02.

Searching by month or year

ActualQL supports various functions to convert data, as well as the ability to convert field data. For example, saying { $month: '2021-01-01' } would come back with the month of 2021-01. But we need a way to apply that to the date field, and we use $transform for that.

This part deserves better docs, but here's a reference example you can use to search by month or year:

.filter({ date: { $transform: '$month', $eq: '2021-01' } })

This would return all transactions in the month of 2021-01. We've applied the $month function to the date field and applied the condition of equaling 2021-01.

You can substitute $year to do the same thing for year.

Joining tables

You might have noticed the field in the first few examples. What exactly is that field, and why can't we just use category?

The category field in transactions is an id. You can give it a specific category id to filter by that; you don't want to give it a name like Home because multiple categories can exist with the same name in different groups. By giving it a category id, you know you are getting back transactions specific to that category.

However, you often don't have a category id and want to just quickly search by category name. Using the . operator in a field name will "poke through" to the referenced table and allow you access any fields on it. Here, we can access any fields on the categories table.

So filtering by allows you to search by name instead of id. You could use any field for category; for example { 'category.is_income': true } would find all income categories.


You can sort the results with the orderBy function:

.filter({ 'category.is_income': true })

This returns transactions with an income category sorted by category name. You can also pass an array to orderBy to sort by multiple fields.

Aggregate functions

You can specify aggregate functions in select for things like sums and counts. An example:

.filter({ '': 'Food' })
.select({ total: { $sum: 'amount' } })

This sums up the amount of all transactions with the Food category (usually, you will filter by date too). Aggregate results must be named; here we named it total. You will get an error if you don't name it. (In the future, we may remove this restriction)

Since it's so common to select a single aggregate expression, ActualQL provides a different method for running them: calculate. The above query could be rewritten as:

.filter({ '': 'Food' })
.calculate({ $sum: 'amount' })

Not only did we not have to name the result, data in the result will also be the summed value itself. If you use select, data will be an array with one element. The difference is in the above you just use data, but if you used select you'd have to use data[0].total.