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DB Migrations Guide

There are some important considerations to make when adding a feature with a db migration.

  • DB Migrations will require publishing a new API version as the migrations also need to be applied there.

  • The AQL Schema file will likely need to be updated to match any table changes.

  • You must place your migration file in the loot-core/migrations folder, with a strict naming convention.

  • The naming convention is as follows: TIMESTAMP_name.sql. for example. 1694438752000_add_goal_targets.sql

  • It is strongly discouraged to try to remove columns and tables. This makes reverting changes impossible and introduces unnecessary risk when we can simply stop using them in code.

  • You should be very deliberate with your migration. When adding a feature, try to think about future scenarios and options that may be desired later, so we can minimize the number of migrations.