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ActualQL Examples

Searching by Month or Year

ActualQL supports various functions to convert data, as well as the ability to convert field data. For example, saying { $month: '2021-01-01' } would come back with the month of 2021-01. But we need a way to apply that to the date field, and we use $transform for that.

This part deserves better docs, but here's a reference example you can use to search by month or year:

.filter({ date: { $transform: '$month', $eq: '2021-01' } })

This would return all transactions in the month of 2021-01. We've applied the $month function to the date field and applied the condition of equaling 2021-01.

You can substitute $year to do the same thing for year.

Total Amount per Payee Between 6 Apr 2020 and 5 Apr 2021

await $query(
$and: [
{ date: { $gte: '2020-04-06' } },
{ date: { $lte: '2021-04-05' } },
.select(['', { amount: { $sum: '$amount' } }]),
) => {
console.log(`${row['']}: ${row.amount / 100}`);

Total Amount of all Transactions With Note Containing #interest (P) Between 6 Apr 2020 and 5 Apr 2021

await $query(
$and: [
{ date: { $gte: '2020-04-06' } },
{ date: { $lte: '2021-04-05' } },
{ notes: { $like: '%#interest (P)%' } },
.calculate({ $sum: '$amount' }),
).data / 100;


await $query(
$and: [
{ date: { $gte: '2020-04-06' } },
{ date: { $lte: '2021-04-05' } },
{ notes: { $like: '%#interest (P)%' } },
.select({ total: { $sum: '$amount' } }),
).data[0].total / 100;

Total Amount per Category Between 6 Apr 2020 and 5 Apr 2021

await $query(
$and: [
{ date: { $gte: '2020-04-06' } },
{ date: { $lte: '2021-04-05' } },
.orderBy(['', 'category.sort_order'])
{ amount: { $sum: '$amount' } },
) => {
`${row['']}/${row['']}: ${
row.amount / 100