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44 posts tagged with "announcement"

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· 7 min read
Julian Dominguez-Schatz

The release has the following notable improvements:

  • New UI for managing bank sync
  • Support for some additional languages
  • Lots of bugfixes and maintenance work

Starting this release, the actual-server repository will no longer be updated. If you use a local install, please review these docs for how to migrate.


Starting next release, we plan on deprecating the @actual-app/web NPM package. This should not impact any standard deployment methods, but if you have a use-case for this package, please create an issue so we know about it!

· One min read
Matt Fiddaman

The primary intent of this release is to patch regressions that prevented the reports page from loading when the selected language was not English, and the desktop apps from working.

· 8 min read
Julian Dominguez-Schatz

The release has the following notable improvements:

  • Upcoming schedule length officially released as first-party feature
  • Ability to switch the interface language, with experimental support for the nl, pt-BR, uk, and en-GB locales
  • Ability to disable category learning
  • Combined account view on mobile

· 7 min read
Matiss Janis Aboltins

Actual Budget is a powerful and open-source tool for managing personal finances. In this article - I recount my personal experience transitioning from YNAB to Actual and how I helped to build the community of volunteers. We also briefly talk about plans for 2025 and I address some frequent statements seen on the internet.

· 6 min read
Matt Fiddaman

The release has the following notable improvements:

· 7 min read
Julian Dominguez-Schatz

The release has the following notable improvements:

  • Optimizations to some SimpleFIN API calls
  • Experimental support for setting the upcoming schedule duration
  • Many improvements to the experimental dashboards feature
  • Experimental templating support in rules

· 8 min read
Matiss Janis Aboltins

The release has the following notable improvements:

  • SimpleFIN officially released as first-party feature
  • Color themes: ability to set "system default" color theme
  • Mobile: button to view uncategorized transactions
  • Privacy mode: instead of blurring use an unintelligible font
  • Experimental dashboards: ability to save cash-flow, net-worth and spending report filters and date-ranges.

Important notice about the @actual-app/api package: starting from this release the versioning strategy of the API package will align with the web & server: {year}.{month}.{patch-version}.